To live alongside those who are struggling with faith or feeling disillusioned with church, working together to build resilient lives of faith on the foundation of the gospel.
We pursue this mission through four main categories:
Honest, intentional, sacrificial friendships, shaped by the gospel
Regular time around the table with friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
Weekly teaching on the Bible & culture
Public forums & events on Faith & Culture, the Bible, and more
4 week Cohorts to practice Jesus' teaching
Missional partnerships and hands-on service
Art / Beauty
Create original music and visual art
Support local artisans through events and markets
WHAT: Our weekly Sunday worship gathering.
WHO: Anyone interested in checking out Church on BLVD is invited! This might be someone who has a church home but just wants to see how things are going OR someone who is looking for a new church home and is considering Church on BLVD.
WHEN: Sunday mornings from 10-11:30am.
WHERE: Inside the Midas Car Shop in Scott's Addition -- 1212 N Arthur Ashe Boulevard
PARKING: Street parking is plentiful on Sunday mornings!
ENTRANCE: When you arrive, please walk into the main garage doors of the Midas space. Our team will be there to greet you and direct you in!
KIDS: After the musical worship at the beginning of our service, we dismiss kids age 6 and under to attend the BLVD Kids experience in a separate room. All other kids remain in the service. If you would like your little ones to join in on the BLVD Kids lesson, snack, and craft time, give us a heads up when you arrive, and we will help you get checked in.
EXPECTATIONS: Since we are a church plant, not everything will be perfectly polished or 100% figured out – is it ever?!? (but you know what we mean). Some things are still trial and error, but the core of what we believe, what we hope to become, and what we feel called to do is all well established at this point. If you're okay (or even excited about!) the inevitable mess and fluidity that comes along with church planting, please join us.
CONTACT: If you have questions or simply want to let us know you will be joining us, please don't hesitate to reach out! You can reach Drew by email. Simply click on the button below.
Inside the Midas car shop on Boulevard, Scott's Addition
1212 North Arthur Ashe Boulevard,
Richmond, VA 23230
What is the Gospel of Jesus and why does it matter?
The Gospel is the good news that God has saved us, justified us, and made possible our participation in his work of redeeming the world (Is 52:7; Eph. 2:1-10; Rom 5:1). We find this good news throughout the story of the entire Bible.
The Gospel of Jesus is central to everything we do as a church.
The Gospel, in and of itself, is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16). By power, we mean that it is more than a message with a meaning, it is a truth that transforms us. We bring it to bear in our hearts, infusing our lives with contentment and purpose, as we receive what Jesus has done for us and then train our habits according to his teaching.
If you are curious to hear more about transforming in light of the Gospel, please join us for a gathering.
Essentials of the faith
When it comes to faith, we hold to the motto:
In Essentials, Unity | In Non-Essentials, Liberty | In All Things, Charity
You can learn more about the essentials of our faith by clicking below.
Theological Beliefs
As a church we align with the Westminster Confession of Faith. It’s an OLD document, filled with meaningful truth. You can read it in modern English by clicking below.
Human Sexuality
We affirm our denomination’s position paper on human sexuality. You may access it by clicking below.
Ordination of Women
Various churches land differently regarding ordination of women. You can learn more about our view by clicking below.
Suffering & Death
One of the most challenging arguments against Christianity states, “How can an all-loving, all-powerful God allow so much pain and suffering?”
You can read a response to this problem by clicking below.